Job Interview

6 Steps to Prepare for Your Job Interview

Upcoming job interview and no idea how you can best prepare yourself? Preparing for a job interview can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right preparation, you can walk into your interview feeling confident and ready to impress. Here are six steps to help you prepare for your interview:

Job Interview

1. Research

Before your interview, make sure to research the company you are interviewing with. Look up their website, read their mission statement, and check out their social media pages, like LinkedIn or XING (for Germany). This will give you an idea of what they do, their culture, and their values. You should also research the role you are interviewing for and make sure you understand the responsibilities and requirements.

Job Interview

2. Know your application documents

It’s important to be familiar with the application documents you submitted to the company. Review your resume, cover letter, and any other materials you provided. This will help you prepare answers to potential questions the interviewer may ask about your experience, skills, and qualifications.

Job Interview

3. Prepare a self presentation

At the beginning of every interview, applicants are asked to introduce themselves briefly. Make a note of what information would be of interest to your employer of choice and prepare a short self-presentation. A self-presentation is a short summary of your skills, experience, and achievements that you can use to introduce yourself to the interviewer. It’s important to prepare this in advance so that you can deliver it confidently and concisely. Focus on highlighting your relevant skills and experiences that relate to the job you are applying for.

Job Interview

4. Prepare the right outfit

Your appearance matters when it comes to job interviews. Make sure to dress appropriately for the job and the company culture. If you’re unsure what to wear, it’s always better to overdress than underdress. Make sure your clothes are clean, ironed, and fit well. If applicable, don’t forget to wear appropriate make-up and hairstyle. Remember, less is more, so focus on simple and timeless styles. 

Job Interview

5. Be aware of your body language

Your body language can communicate a lot about your confidence and attitude. During the interview, make sure to maintain eye contact, sit up straight, and avoid fidgeting. A friendly smile can also help to establish a positive rapport with the interviewer. Unfortunately, we can unconsciously send negative signals (e.g. boredom or irritability) through our body language. That’s why you should learn to control your body language before a job interview. If you have difficulty assessing the impression you make, use a mirror or video camera and practise your body language. 

Job Interview

6. Organisational

Where will the interview take place? Which means of transport will I use? How much time will I need to get there? Answer these questions in advance so you don’t panic due to lack of time in case something goes wrong. This way you will know exactly when to get up and your only worry on the day of the interview will be showing yourself at your best. Moreover, being organized can help you feel more prepared and confident during the interview. Make sure to arrive early so that you have time to compose yourself and review your notes. Bring extra copies of your resume and a notepad and pen to take notes during the interview. And don’t forget to silence your phone!

ConclusionThe interview is an opportunity for the employer to evaluate your skills, experience, and personality and to determine if you are a good fit for the company. Preparing for a job interview is essential because it allows you to present your best self to the hiring manager or interviewer. It takes time and effort, but it’s worth it to increase your chances of landing the job. By researching the company, knowing your application documents, preparing a self-presentation, dressing appropriately, being aware of your body language, and staying organized, you can walk into your interview with confidence and impress the interviewer. Good luck!

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