Phrases for Accounting

10 German Phrases for Accounting and Finance

As one of the leading economies in Europe, Germany has a robust financial and accounting industry that requires a certain level of proficiency in the German language. Whether you’re studying finance or accounting or working in the industry, it’s crucial to have a solid grasp of the language. To help you out, I’ve compiled a list of ten essential German phrases for accounting and finance.

Phrases for Accounting
1. "Wir haben einen Umsatz von 500.000 Euro im letzten Quartal erzielt." (We achieved a revenue of 500,000 euros in the last quarter.)

Use this sentence to communicate the amount of revenue earned in a specific time period, such as a quarter or fiscal year.

2. "Die Bilanz zeigt einen Gewinn von 100.000 Euro." (The balance sheet shows a profit of 100,000 euros.)

Use this sentence to report the amount of profit or loss on a balance sheet.

3. "Die Kosten sind höher als die Einnahmen." (The costs are higher than the revenues.)

Use this sentence to indicate that expenses exceed revenues.

4. "Die Steuererklärung muss bis zum 31. Mai eingereicht werden." (The tax declaration must be filed by May 31st.)

Use this sentence to indicate the deadline for submitting tax declarations.

5. "Der Zinssatz beträgt 3 Prozent." (The interest rate is 3 percent.)

Use this sentence to indicate the percentage of interest charged on a loan or investment.

6. "Der Kredit wurde genehmigt." (The loan has been approved.)

Use this sentence to report that a loan or credit application has been approved.

7. "Die Zinssätze sind in den letzten Monaten gestiegen, was die Kreditkosten erhöht hat." (Interest rates have risen in recent months, increasing the cost of borrowing.)

This sentence can be used to convey the idea that interest rates have gone up in the recent past, and as a result, the cost of borrowing money has increased.

8. "Das Unternehmen hat seine Ausgaben reduziert, um die Rentabilität zu steigern." (The company has reduced its expenses to increase profitability.)

This sentence can be used to describe a situation where a company has taken measures to increase its profitability by reducing its expenses.

9. "Der Buchhalter ist für die Erstellung der Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung verantwortlich." (The accountant is responsible for preparing the income statement.)

This sentence can be used to describe the responsibilities of an accountant within a company or organization. It specifies that the accountant is responsible for preparing the income statement, which is a financial statement that shows the revenues, expenses, and profits or losses of a company over a specified period.

10. "Die Abschreibungen werden in der Regel über mehrere Jahre verteilt." (Depreciation is usually spread out over several years.)

This sentence can be used to describe the accounting practice of spreading out the cost of an asset over its useful life, known as depreciation. By doing so, a company can recognize the cost of the asset over time rather than all at once, which can help to improve its financial statements’ accuracy.

ConclusionThese 10 German phrases are just a few examples of the many useful phrases you can use in accounting and finance contexts. By familiarizing yourself with these sentences, their meanings and usage, you will be better equipped to navigate financial conversations in a German-speaking business environment. To take your professional skills to the next level, consider booking a Business German class. By doing so, you can gain the language skills and cultural insights necessary to succeed in a professional setting and build valuable relationships. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your career prospects and expand your business opportunities.

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