Business German Words

20 Business German Words For Accounting and Finance

As the language of business, German plays a significant role in accounting and finance. Whether you are a student, a professional, or an entrepreneur, mastering the key German words for accounting and finance is essential for success. In this blog article, we will explore 20 Business German words for Accounting and Finance that you should know.

Business German Words
1. "(die) Buchhaltung" - Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is an essential part of accounting, and “die Buchhaltung” is the German word for it. It refers to the process of recording and tracking financial transactions of a business.

2. "(die) Steuern" - Taxes

Taxes are a crucial aspect of accounting and finance. “Die Steuern” is the German word for taxes and refers to the payments that businesses and individuals make to the government.

3. "(die) Bilanz" - Balance sheet

“(Die) Bilanz” is the German word for the balance sheet. It is a financial statement that shows the assets, liabilities, and equity of a company at a specific point in time.

4. "(der) Gewinn" - Profit

Profit is the amount of money that a company earns after deducting expenses from its revenues. “Der Gewinn” is the German word for profit.

5. "(der) Verlust" - Loss

“Der Verlust” is the German word for loss. It refers to the negative financial result of a company’s operations when expenses exceed revenues.

6. "(das) Konto" - Account

“Das Konto” is the German word for account. It refers to a record of a financial transaction in a ledger.

7. "(die) Einnahmen" - Revenues

“Die Einnahmen” is the German word for revenues. It refers to the money that a business earns from its operations.

8. "(die) Ausgaben" - Expenses

“Die Ausgaben” is the German word for expenses. It refers to the money that a business spends on its operations.

9. "(die) Zahlungsfähigkeit" - Solvency

“Die Zahlungsfähigkeit” is the German word for s. It refers to the ability of a company to pay its debts when they become due.

10. "(die) Rückstellungen" - Provisions

“Die Rückstellungen” is the German word for provisions. It refers to the amount of money that a company sets aside for a specific purpose, such as future expenses or liabilities.

11. "(die) Abschreibungen" - Depreciation

“Die Abschreibungen” is the German word for depreciation. It refers to the decrease in the value of an asset over time.

12. "(der) Umsatz" - Turnover

“Der Umsatz” is the German word for turnover. It refers to the total amount of sales that a company generates during a specific period.

13. "(der) Jahresabschluss - Annual financial statement

“(Der) Jahresabschluss” is the German word for the annual financial statement. It is a comprehensive report that summarizes a company’s financial activities over the course of a year.

14. "(die) Finanzbuchhaltung - Financial accounting

“Die Finanzbuchhaltung” is the German word for financial accounting. It refers to the process of recording and tracking a company’s financial transactions for the purpose of creating financial statements.

15. "(die) Kostenrechnung - Cost accounting

“Die Kostenrechnung” is the German word for cost accounting. It refers to the process of tracking the costs of a company’s operations to aid in decision-making.

16. "(die) Investition - Investment

“Die Investition” is the German word for investment. It refers to the money that a company spends on assets that are expected to generate future income.

17. "(die) Finanzanalyse" - Financial analysis

“Die Finanzanalyse” is the German word for financial analysis. It refers to the process of examining a company’s financial data and performance to gain insights into its financial health, strengths, and weaknesses. It is a critical aspect of accounting and finance, as it helps to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of a company’s financial operations and helps to identify areas for improvement.

18. "(der) Zins" - Interest

“Der Zins” is the German word for interest. It refers to the amount of money that a borrower pays to a lender for the use of money.

19. "(die) Rechnungsprüfung - Audit

“Die Rechnungsprüfung” is the German word for audit. It refers to the examination of a company’s financial records and operations by an independent auditor to ensure accuracy and compliance with accounting standards.

20. "(die) Steuererklärung - Tax return

“Die Steuererklärung” is the German word for tax return. It refers to the form or document that individuals or businesses submit to the tax authorities to report their income, expenses, and other relevant financial information for tax purposes.

Conclusion: Accounting and finance are essential aspects of running a business. Whether you are working with clients or partners in Germany, having a basic understanding of the relevant German vocabulary is crucial for effective communication and collaboration. The 20 business German words for accounting and finance covered in this article are just a few examples of the critical terms that you may encounter in the field. By familiarizing yourself with these terms and their meanings, you will be better equipped to navigate financial conversations in a German-speaking business environment. To take your professional skills to the next level, consider booking a business German class today. By doing so, you can gain the language skills and cultural insights necessary to succeed in a professional setting and build valuable relationships. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your career prospects and expand your business opportunities.

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