If you work in customer service and communicate with German-speaking customers, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of common business German vocabulary related to customer service. Here are 20 essential business German words to help you communicate effectively with your German-speaking customers and improve your customer service skills:
1. "(der) Kunde" - customer
Use this word to refer to male customers.
2. "(die) Kundin" - female customer
Use this word to refer to female customers.
3. "(die) Kundenbetreuung" / "(der) Kundendienst" / "(der) Kundenservice" - customer service
Use these words to refer to the department or team responsible for providing customer service.
4. "(die) Kundenanfrage" - customer inquiry
Use this word to refer to a request or question from a customer.
5. "(das) Anliegen" - issue or concern
Use this word to refer to a specific problem or concern that a customer has.
6. "(die) Beschwerde - complaint
Use this word to refer to a formal complaint or negative feedback from a customer.
7. "(die) Rückmeldung" - feedback
Use this word to refer to feedback, comments or suggestions from a customer.
8. "(die) Lösung" - solution
Use this word to refer to a proposed solution or resolution to a customer’s issue or concern.
9. "(der) Schadensersatz" - compensation or damages
Use this word when referring to the compensation or damages that may be owed to a customer in case of a problem or issue.
10. "(der) Schadensersatzanspruch" - compensation claim
Use this word when referring to the customer’s legal right to claim compensation or damages for any harm or loss caused by a product or service.
11. "(die) Zufriedenheitsgarantie" - satisfaction guarantee
Use this word when referring to a promise or guarantee of customer satisfaction.
12. "(die) Kundenzufriedenheitsumfrage" - customer satisfaction survey
Use this word when referring to a survey conducted to gauge customer satisfaction.
13. "(die) Eskalation" - escalation / higher level of support
Use this word when referring to the process of escalating an issue or problem to a higher level of support or management for resolution.
14. "(die) Kostenerstattung" - reimbursement / refund
Use this word when referring to the reimbursement or refund of a payment made by a customer.
15. "(der) Lieferstatus" - delivery status
Use this word when referring to the current status of a customer’s delivery.
16. "(der) Zahlungseingang" - payment receipt
Use this word when referring to the confirmation of payment received.
17. "(die) Mahnung" - collection notice
Use this word when referring to a formal notice sent to a customer to demand payment.
18. "(die) Kündigung" - cancellation
Use this word when referring to the cancellation of a product or service by a customer.
19. "(die) Verlängerung" - extension
Use this word when referring to an extension of a product or service by a customer.
20. "(die) Garantie" - warranty
Use this word when referring to a promise or guarantee of a product or service.
Conclusion: Mastering business German vocabulary related to customer service is an essential step towards providing excellent service and maintaining happy customers. By learning and practicing these words, you will be better equipped to handle customer inquiries, complaints, and requests in a professional and confident manner. If you’re interested in deepening your knowledge of Business German, feel free to book your private online class here. With personalized instruction and a focus on practical language usage, you’ll be well on your way to success in the world of business. Contact me today to schedule your class and take your language skills to the next level.