Phrases for sales

The Top 10 Business German Phrases For Sales

Are you looking to expand your business and tap into the German-speaking market? As a sales professional, it’s essential to be able to communicate effectively with your clients, and that includes speaking their language. In this blog post, we will introduce you to the top 10 Business German phrases for sales that will help you connect with German-speaking clients, understand their needs, and close deals successfully. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced sales professional, these phrases will equip you with the language skills you need to succeed in the German-speaking business world. So, let’s dive in!

Phrases For Sales
1. "Wir haben ein tolles Angebot für Sie" - "We have a great offer for you"

This phrase is a perfect way to start a sales conversation with a potential client. It shows that you have something valuable to offer.

2. "Das Angebot ist zeitlich begrenzt" - "The offer is limited in time"

This phrase creates a sense of urgency and can motivate the client to make a decision quickly.

3. "Können Sie sich vorstellen, wie Ihr Unternehmen davon profitieren könnte?" - "Can you imagine how your company could benefit from this?"

This question helps the client visualize the benefits of your product or service and can help persuade them to make a purchase.

4. "Wir bieten maßgeschneiderte Lösungen an" - "We offer customised solutions"

This phrase shows that you are flexible and can adapt to the client’s specific needs.

5. "Wir haben langjährige Erfahrung in diesem Bereich" - "We have extensive experience in this field"

This phrase builds credibility and shows that you have a deep understanding of the industry.

6. "Wir arbeiten mit den besten Lieferanten zusammen" - "We work with the best suppliers"

This phrase shows that you have a reliable supply chain and can deliver high-quality products consistently.

7. "Wir können Ihnen auch eine kostenlose Testversion anbieten" - "We can also offer you a free trial"

This phrase allows the client to test your product or service before making a purchase, which can help build trust and confidence.

8. "Wir bieten eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurück-Garantie an" - "We offer a 30-day money back guarantee"

This phrase shows that you stand behind your product or service and can help ease any concerns the client may have about making a purchase.

9. "Sie können direkt bei mir oder über unsere Webseite bestellen" - "You can order directly from me or via our website"

This phrase is useful when discussing the different channels available for making a purchase, giving clients the flexibility to choose the option that works best for them.

10. "Die Lieferkosten sind im Produktpreis nicht enthalten." - "The delivery costs are not included in the product price."

This phrase is useful when discussing pricing with clients, as it sets expectations about additional costs that may be incurred.

ConclusionMastering these top 10 business German phrases for sales can make a significant difference in your sales performance and help you succeed in the German-speaking business world. To further enhance your business German skills, consider booking an online class or follow me on social media for more business German tips and useful phrases and vocabulary. With the right language skills and tools, you can build strong relationships with your German-speaking clients and achieve your sales goals.

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