Words for Human Resources

20 Business German Words for Human Resources

As a global business hub, Germany has always been an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand their reach. With a strong emphasis on professionalism and efficiency, the German business landscape is one that demands precision and attention to detail. For companies looking to establish themselves in the German market, it is essential to have a good grasp of the German language, especially in the field of Human Resources. In this blog post, you will be introduced you to 20 essential German words for Human Resources that will help you navigate the German business landscape.

Words for Human Resources
1. "(der) Arbeitgeber" - Employer

This word is used to refer to the employer or the company that provides employment.

2. "(der) Arbeitnehmer" - Employee

This word is used to refer to the employee or the person who is employed by the company.

3. "(die) Personalabteilung" - HR Department

This word is used to refer to the HR department or the department responsible for managing the company’s employees.

4. "(die) Stellenbeschreibung" - Job Description

This word is used to refer to the job description or the document that outlines the responsibilities, duties, and requirements of a particular job.

5. "(das) Vorstellungsgespräch" - Job Interview

This word is used to refer to the job interview or the process of evaluating a candidate for a job.

6. "(der) Lebenslauf - Resume/CV

This word is used to refer to the resume or the document that outlines a candidate’s education, work experience, and skills.

7. "(die) Bewerbung" - Job Application

This word is used to refer to the job application or the process of applying for a job.

8. "(das) Arbeitszeugnis" - Employment Reference

This word is used to refer to the employment reference or the document that outlines a candidate’s work experience and skills.

9. "(der) Arbeitsvertrag" - Employment Contract

This word is used to refer to the employment contract or the document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment.

10. "(die) Probezeit" - The Probationary Period

This word is used to refer to the probationary period or the period of time during which a new employee is evaluated before being offered a permanent position.

11. "(die) Kündigung" - Termination

This word is used to refer to the termination or the process of ending an employee’s employment.

12. "(die) Abfindung" - Severance Package

This word is used to refer to the severance package or the compensation package offered to an employee who has been terminated.

13. "(die) Sozialversicherung - Social Security

This word is used to refer to the social security or the system of government programs that provide financial and other assistance to individuals and families.

14. "(der) Lohn - Wage

This word is used to refer to the wage or the payment that an employee receives for their work. It is used when you are paid per hour (“Stundenlohn” – hourly wage).

15. "(das) Gehalt - Salary

This word is used to refer to the salary or the payment that an employee receives for their work. It is usually used when you are paid a fixed sum each month (“Monatsgehalt” – monthly salary).

16. "(der) Bonus" - Bonus

This word is used to refer to the bonus or the additional payment that an employee receives for meeting certain performance goals or targets.

17. "(die) Arbeitszeit" - Working Hours

This word is used to refer to the working hours or the period of time during which an employee is required to work.

18. "(die) Überstunden" - Overtime

This word is used to refer to the overtime or the period of time during which an employee works beyond their regular working hours.

19. "(die) Urlaubstage - Vacation Days

This word is used to refer to the vacation days or the period of time during which an employee is allowed to take time off work.

20. "(der) Mutterschutz - maternity leave

This term stands for special protection for working women who are pregnant or breastfeeding a child.

ConclusionThe HR department is an important part of the strategic management of a company. For the long-term success of a company, it is necessary to successfully recruit the most important resources of a company – its employees – to develop them optimally and to deploy them in a targeted manner. Whether you are planning to hire German employees or work in the HR department of a German company, a basic understanding of the relevant German vocabulary is essential for effective communication and cooperation. The 20 business German words for Human Resources covered in this article are just a few examples of the critical terms that you may encounter in the field. By familiarizing yourself with these terms and their meanings, you will be better equipped to navigate financial conversations in a German-speaking business environment. To take your professional skills to the next level, consider booking a Business German class today. By doing so, you can gain the language skills and cultural insights necessary to succeed in a professional setting and build valuable relationships. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your career prospects and expand your business opportunities.

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