Words for IT

20 Business German Words for IT

As technology continues to shape the business world, it’s becoming increasingly important to master technical vocabulary in the IT field. Whether you’re a business person, a software developer, or an entrepreneur, the ability to communicate effectively in German is essential if you want to work with clients, colleagues, and partners in a German-speaking country. Here are 20 business German words for IT that you should know:

Words for IT
1. "(die) Datenbank" - database

A collection of electronic records or data that are organized and stored for easy access.

2. "(das) Netzwerk" - network

A system of computers and other devices that are connected together to share information.

3. "(der) Speicherplatz" - storage space

The amount of space available on a computer system for storing data or information.

4. "(die) Verschlüsselung - encryption

Encryption is the process of converting data into a coded language to protect it from unauthorized access. In the IT industry, encryption is used to secure sensitive information and communications.

5. "(der) Algorithmus" - algorithm

A set of instructions or rules that a computer follows to solve a problem or perform a task.

6. "(der) Benutzer" - user

A person who uses a computer or software program.

7. "(der) Datenverkehr" - data traffic

The flow of data through a computer network.

8. "(der) Entwickler" - developer

A person who creates or designs software programs or applications.

9. "(die) Programmiersprache" - programming language

A language used to write code and create software.

10. "(das) Passwort" -contraseña

A secret code or phrase used to authenticate a user and grant access to a computer or application.

11. "(die) Schnittstelle" - interface

A point where two different systems or components meet and communicate with each other.

12. "(die) Fehlermeldung" - error message

This refers to a message that appears on the screen when a program encounters an error.

13. "(der) Datenverlust" - data loss

The unintentional or accidental deletion or corruption of data.

14. "(das) Betriebssystem" - operating system

A software program that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.

15. "(die) Anwendung" - application

Refers to software applications, programs or tools used to accomplish specific tasks or solve problems.

16. "(die) IT-Sicherheit" - IT security

Refers to measures and strategies used to protect computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, theft, or damage.

17. "(die) Datenspeicherung" - data storage

Refers to the process of storing and accessing data on computer systems.

18. "(der) IT-Dienstleister" - IT service provider

Refers to a company or organization that provides IT solotions.

19. "(die) Domäne" - domain

Refers to a specific area or realm of computer systems, such as a network domain or a domain name.

20. "(der) Zugriff - access

Refers to the ability to access or use data or resources on a computer system or network.

ConclusionLearning Business German words for IT is an essential skill for anyone working in the German-speaking business world. Fortunately, IT is one of the easiest departments to learn Business German, as many German words are simply the English words written with a capital letter and with an article. For example, “der Server” is the same as “server,” “die Cloud” is “cloud,” “die Firewall” is “firewall,” and “der Router” is “router.” However, it’s still important to familiarize yourself with these words to communicate effectively with your German-speaking colleagues or clients. By learning these 20 essential Business German words for IT, you’ll be well on your way to success in the German-speaking business world. If you’re looking to deepen your knowledge in this area, consider booking a Business German class. This will not only enhance your ability to communicate effectively in the workplace but also boost your confidence and career prospects. So, don’t hesitate, take action today and book your Business German class!

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